Presentation web meetings

Zoom Polls: Use the Popcorn Rule

Zoom meeting popcorn rule for polls

How long should you wait before ending your Zoom poll?


What’s the Popcorn Rule?

Think about popping corn. After a few minutes of popping, you’ve got a good batch of popcorn to eat.

But you still might be thinking, “But wait. There might be a few unpopped kernels. Maybe I should wait to see if I hear any other pops…”

…but you can’t wait too long. If you do, you’ll burn the kernels that have already popped!

It’s the same deal with an online poll. When you launch one, most of the class or audience will pop off right away. You wait a few seconds, and a few more pop.

At this point, it’s time to end the poll. You can’t wait for absolutely everyone to respond — or the people who popped off right away will learn there’s no advantage to a speedy response.

Ya burned!

In short: there’s no specific limit like “33 seconds!” or “when 75% of the audience has responded!”

You need to keep an eye and ear on how your poll is popping. When the pops start to taper off, end the poll.

And that’s the 🍿POPCORN RULE!🍿

How else do you know when to stop your poll?


Laura Bergells is a professional story finder. She writes, coaches, teaches, and speaks. Check out her online courses at LinkedIn Learning.

🔥🔥🔥 Laura also teaches “Presenting On Camera” – a live, interactive group class for sales and training professionals who need to shift from in-person to on-camera presentations. Call to inquire about availability and rates.
